Lunch and Learn Seminars for Parents
All parents in the CHS Feeder zone are welcome to join us at our lunch and learn seminars this Spring semester!
All seminars are one hour in length, held at CHS, and they start at 12:00 (noon) each time.
Date | Location | Presentation | Presenter |
1/17/19 | Auditorium | College Planning K-12 | Laura Willard, CISD College & Career Readiness Specialist |
2/21/19 | College and Career | Flipping the Switch on Anxiety | Kelly Locke, CISD Mental Health Specialist |
3/21/19 | Auditorium | Parenting the Strong Willed Child | Kelly Locke, CISD Mental Health Specialist |
4/18/19 | Auditorium | Building Resiliency in our Children | Denise Cipolla, CISD Coordinator of Guidance and Counseling |